As a follow up to Friday’s entry about our trip to Kyiv, I’ll now post a few shots I took on the trip. They are mainly for the Kyiv city center, because that’s where we spent most of our time. I’m not posting these photos because I think they’re stunning, but rather to complement the wall of text in the previous entry.
When we came to Double Coffee on Saturday morning we found that Andreas was well on his way through his second bottle of this stuff.This was shot standing by the base of the huge monument on Майдан Незалежності, Independence Square. Our hotel, the great Kozatsky, is the second building from the right of the buildings in the background. It had a huge Corona beer commercial sign on roof, impossible to miss. I tend to aim for symmetry when I shoot, and in this case it’s almost perfect.The monument on Independence Square is to Berehynia, a female spirit in Slavic mythology, which notably came to be regarded as a ‘Slavic goddess’ with a function of ‘hearth mother, protectoress of the home’ in late 20th century Ukrainian romantic nationalism centered on matriarchal myth.As mentioned earlier, it was quite foggy during our stay in Kyiv. This picture is taken around noon on Saturday.The Kozatsky. Our hotel. Notice the guard outside.Me and Hans Olav shared a twin room. The hotel is built in the early 80s and I doubt that they have done any real renovations since then. But even though it might look a bit shabby, it’s all clean and in good order.The bathroom is always an interesting place on a hotel. Not much to say about it except that parts of it was about to fall together. But the Ukrainians sure know their hot water.
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