Keep in touch

Ola has become completely obsessed with Risk since we played at Stefan’s place last Friday. He’s now bought Risk 2210 A.D. and I took my bike to Torshov yesterday evening to have a look at it. It’s basically the same as ordinary Risk, but with a few twists and turns. We’re trying to gather a couple of guys for a game on Saturday, and if it’s as good as last Friday, it’ll be a great way to spend a Saturday evening. Hege also had a look at the game, but she mainly rolled her eyes and gave the small plastic figures funny names. My guess is that she’s not really that keen on playing. But, you know, it’s in the genes. Males go out to conquer the world, females chit-chat by the fire place.

Throwing rocks in a glass house?

On Monday I had a very long talk on the phone with Camilla. It’s been a while now since I’ve talked with her, I really suck when it comes to the art of keeping in touch with old friends. But on Monday I called her, and I’m really glad I did. I have to admit I miss her, even though she is constantly fucking with my head - but not in a bad way - and I hope she’ll come visit me in Oslo soon. Either that, or I’ll go to Trondheim to visit her. Yay for that!

Yesterday I listened to trance for 468 minutes straight while coding. I don’t think I’ll be listening to trance for a while.


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