I’ve Gone Pro!
Anniken arrived back home from New York yesterday morning, with a cold and a sore tooth. What have these girls been up to!? I’ve seen some pictures and it looks like it’s mainly been eating, drinking, shopping and sightseeing - exactly what you would expect. It sure was great to have her here in Norway with me again! A little distance can quickly make you realize how much you love somebody.
With her in her luggage, she had the GoPro camera I was finally able to order after my bank woes were solved last week. I wore the camera on my helmet to and from work today and I must say that the ease of use, the small size, the build quality and the video quality of the camera are amazing. Since it’s attached to my head, it’s quite a bumpy ride and not something I would recommend watching in full screen. I’m hoping to have it attached to the bike soon.
I uploaded a video to both YouTube and Vimeo. Vimeo has a cleaner video player and video that actually displays in full screen, but requires a pro account for features like HD embedding. YouTube, on the other hand, supports this on their free account. But in the end it was Vimeo’s lack of secure embedding that made me go for the YouTube version instead. No SSL embedding? That’s so last week. Lame.
The video is not very eventful, a bit too long and badly edited, but it’s a good showcase of the video quality the GoPro delivers. I’ve edited the video in Windows Live Movie Maker, of all things, but it’s a piece of software that covers my needs as they are right now. The downside is that it only saves videos in the Windows Media format. No biggie at the moment, but as soon as I start to do skydiving, kiting, skateboarding and down hill skiing to really use the camera, I’ll have to consider buying a proper video editing package. I’m unable to get the video to start in HD automagically, so make sure you select it from the player options below. Also, keep in mind that the video was shot in H264, converted to Windows Media and then back to H264 again. Not in any way ideal as each conversion degrades the quality of the video.
You can also have a look at the Vimeo version.
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