It’s about time to re-enter the rat race, my friends
Today is the last day of the Easter holidays and tomorrow everyone is back in the rat race. Every single lazy sucker who left Trondheim and left me here alone to rot.
“You killed Vegard!” “You bastards!”
Oh, well, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Hans Olav was still in here, working with his report. Which I did, too. I didn’t have the most productive time, but I got more work done than I would have if I hadn’t worked at all, that’s for sure. Tomorrow I’m handing in a preliminary report to my supervisor to get his feedback and, hopefully, I won’t have to write the whole thing again. Because it was a tad boring. And there is still a lot of writing left to be done.
If you’ve got a lot of bandwidth left to spare, meaning that you’re not on one of those services with a monthly download quota - man, I laugh at you guys, you hear that, Klas, I laugh at you - I suggest you have a look at Grub. It uses the power of distributed computing to build the best search on the Web. It automatically crawls the Web in the background, borrowing your computer’s spare clock cycles, so you won’t even notice it’s there. The download is quick, you control how much you crawl, and the cool screen saver shows you the real-time progress your computer is making.
If that doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, then nothing does! You can also read about it over at /.. That’s “Slashdot”, for those of you who are not as influenced by the geekiness of the site as I am.
As you might have noticed, the latest poll is now closed. Thanks to those of you who voted. The rest of you can go to hell. And those of you who don’t understand the concept of irony can do the same. I’ll hopefully have the results and my humble interpretation of them online tomorrow.
The Mew album is seriously growing on me. And that’s a very good thing. Rock on!
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