In Limbo
Yesterday I spent most of the day at Musikkfest Oslo with LM, her boyfriend and a buddy of his. The weather was great, the music was relaxing and I’ve got to say that the concept of a 12 hour music marathon on 30 different outdoor venues in downtown Oslo is a great idea. And everything for free as well.
It’s all inspired by the French Fête de la Musique, a music festival that began in France. So I guess we have at least that to thank the French for. I brought my camera with me, but it was LM who used it the most. Among others, she got these three pictures of two young music lovers.
In the afternoon I met a friend for beers and drinks and had a very, very good time. Again the recipe of having two beers and then drinks with funny colors for the rest of the night proved to be the cure for a nasty hangover. All right, so I didn’t manage to get to the gym today, but I didn’t spend the day curled up on the coach either. Instead I watched this weekend’s Formula 1 race (another boring one, unfortunately) and ran around a bit in the post apocalyptic world of Fallout 3.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
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I wish I’d been in Oslo this week-end, I heard the Cocorosie concert was great.
There’s always the Universal declaration of Human Rights, the constitutional seperation of State and Religon, the fashion and the wine, but I see your point. A free music festival is awesome.
And there’s always next year, unless they manage to start the Stockholm on the same day!
Hi hi, cute little guys. I love those pics! Maybe I should become a paparazzi…