In Limbo

Yesterday I spent most of the day at Musikkfest Oslo with LM, her boyfriend and a buddy of his. The weather was great, the music was relaxing and I’ve got to say that the concept of a 12 hour music marathon on 30 different outdoor venues in downtown Oslo is a great idea. And everything for free as well.

It’s all inspired by the French Fête de la Musique, a music festival that began in France. So I guess we have at least that to thank the French for. I brought my camera with me, but it was LM who used it the most. Among others, she got these three pictures of two young music lovers.

Musikkfest Oslo
Musikkfest Oslo
Musikkfest Oslo

In the afternoon I met a friend for beers and drinks and had a very, very good time. Again the recipe of having two beers and then drinks with funny colors for the rest of the night proved to be the cure for a nasty hangover. All right, so I didn’t manage to get to the gym today, but I didn’t spend the day curled up on the coach either. Instead I watched this weekend’s Formula 1 race (another boring one, unfortunately) and ran around a bit in the post apocalyptic world of Fallout 3.


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