I’m still alive. It’s all good
It’s Friday. Or is it? I’m not sure, I lost control of the days earlier this week, might be Thursday today. Have to check…The calendar on my computer says that it’s Friday, so I guess it’s Friday, then.
Yesterday’s trip downtown with for a few beers went just fine. At first me and Hans Olav got a little worried that everything was closed, none of the pubs and restaurants by the city square - not even the MackieD - were open. But after a while we found a bunch of good places that had the sense to keep their doors open, even if it was a holiday. The person none of us knew, who knew none of us, also showed up. So now we know her a little. And it’s all good. Turned out she wasn’t an axe murderer after all. Which means I’m still alive today.
The Cascading Style Sheet error introduced in the Grey Box World theme by the latest version of the Opera browser has been removed. Thanks to some of the bright minds over at the Opera Forums, I realized that all that was needed was a few extra lines in the CSS code.
I also got an e-mail about the poll currently rolling here on the site. Someone using Internet Explorer 5 was of some strange reason unable to see the radio buttons in the poll. I have no idea why, because the code looks all right to me. The poll will close on Sunday, and I guess it’s not too many people with IE5 visiting anyway. Oh, well…
Tonight I might head down to the university to take some pictures. Some of the buildings look very good, and right now the campus is more or less abandoned, so it’s a good time to take a few shots.
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