I’m Not Who You Think I Am
When I came home from work today, there was a letter from a law firm in my mail box.
Getting a letter from a law firm is either good or bad. Either you’re inheriting a fortune from an unknown uncle in Australia (good) or the girl you met during a rather moist night on the town is suddenly demanding child support (bad). Why I got a letter from a law firm was a bit strange, as I know of no unknown uncles in Australia, nor have I had any one-night-only encounters with opposite sex in the last nine months.
So I open the letter and start reading. Quickly everything becomes clear.
I’m lucky enough to share my name with a person who is an even bigger nerd than me. There’s another Vegard Skjefstad walking around in Norway. He’s actually living in Oslo, just like me. The other me is the main organizer - or at least he used to be - of the annual nerd happening, The Gathering. Ah, well, it used to be a nerd happening, now it’s turned into more of a gamer happening. Anyway. That we share the same name has confused a lot of people before, I usually get a phone call every other month that is not meant for me, but the other me. Still, this is the first time I’ve received mail that was supposed to be shipped to him.
The details of the letter are not interesting, but it looks like I (he) is prepared to witness if the case described ends up in court.
As planned I once again conquered Holmenkollen today. It went much better than the last time, probably because it’s not that hot and that I was racing with a hot biking chick. Judging by the view - I guess most of you other perverts out there catch my drift - she’d been biking a lot. There is a good chance I’ll go to Holmenkollen next week at the same time. It’s all about having the right motivation.

Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Nothing is more motivating than girls. Period.
Money is good, too. Loads and loads of money. If you’ve got enough money, the girls will come. They will be shallow, but great in bed, I hear.
Bottom line: Loads of money is a better motivation that grrls.
money cannot:
- wash clothes
- cook food
- clean the house
- bring a girlfriend for som kinky manage a trois
nuff said
You’re missing the point entirely: Loads and loads of money are babe magnets. So with enough money, you’ll get your clothes washed, food cooked, house cleand and girl-on-girl-with-you-in-the-middle phun.
Without money you can get all that, too, but you’ll miss out on loads and loads of money.