I hope we’re not like Florida
With the exception of three things, this weekend has been a utter bore. Last weekend very little happened, still it was very eventful and was over way too soon. This weekend, on the other hand, has been the complete opposite. This weeks ‘climaxes’:
- Entertained Ola on Friday night. He’s been home with a cold and a fever most of the week.
- Had a late night walk with Anja on Saturday/Sunday, She’s reading for an exam on Monday and needed something else to do for a while.
- Took my bike to Sognsvann for the Nth time this month. The plan is to go there three times per week and this week I actually made it. Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Yay. A combination of too much food and way to little water made today’s trip a bad one. Still it was one of the more interesting things I did this weekend.
I could probably have made a few phone calls to find someone to bother, but I didn’t feel I was very good company.
Tomorrow it’s an election in Norway, and I’m working late. Every county and municipality are electing a new council, and the results will be available via television, Internet and WAP as votes are counted. I have to be at the office to look at my WAP logs and keep a close eye on the server in case the extra load brings it down. I seriously doubt it will, but I could need the extra cash, so I happily agreed to do the job.
Having me sitting there looking at something that’ll probably not fail is a good waste of money for the company, but as one of the brighter minds at the office said: “If you’re gonna waste money, this is one of the better things to waste it on.”
Have you ever wanted to contact someone so bad you’ve had to turn off your phone to stop you from doing it? I’m like that right now. Why don’t I just contact this person if I want to? Let’s just say we’ve got a semi-bad history and I’m pretty sure I’ll scare the person off if I picked up the phone every time I wanted to. So I’m desperately trying to keep my head cool, but I’m not sure how long I’ll hold. But I’ll be damned if I screw this up again.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Hulk still at school working. Soon Hulk write report. Hulk tired, Hulk bored! hulk
Hulk might want to throw some tanks around.
it is better to regret the things you have done, than the things you haven’t done….
But in some cases you regret that you didn’t wait a little before you did it.
I’m not going there. Hopefully.