I Fucking Hate It. Hate It, Hate It, Hate It!
I just figured out what’s been killing my creativity and keeping me from posting the last couple of weeks. Thinking about it I can feel the ball of irritation growing in my stomach while my heart is beginning to beat faster as the adrenaline is moving through my body. Some day I might tell you all about it, it’ll probably be a long, complicated and incoherent story, but if you’re a regular visitor you’re probably used to long, complicated and incoherent stories by now.
All right, enough about that.
Wrong. Enough about everything. Looks like it effectively killed my creativity again. I have an entry in my head, but there’s not way I’m going to get it out right now.
Good night.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Time: 21:48
Location: Datalab at School
Activity: writing a paper on the methodical approach to the subject for my masters degree.
Deadline: tomorrow at 1600 hours => extended to over the weekend
Emotional Status: Tired, bored, I think I’m on my way home.
signing out.
when I lose my sense of creativety I steal someone else’s. even if its just temparay.
You shouldn’t steal stuff. Like inspiration. And bikes!
I have adored reading your blog, very very much. I shall be back, to read more on your experiences, your thoughts, and your life.
Thankyou for allowing me to have a peek into someone on the otherside of the earths life! ..its been an experience!
It’s my pleasure.