How Soma got its Groove back?
I noticed some very pleasant news over at the SomaFM site today. It looks like the all time streaming radio channel might just be back on the air soon:
Possible light on the horizon for our international listeners: we have received confirmation that at this time we will NOT have to pay CARP fees on our international listeners. We are looking into a way to restore our broadcasts to our international listeners. We are now testing several technical methods to implement outside the US only broadcasts. We will keep you posted.
I was even able to listen to one of their streams for a short period of time. But, shush, don’t tell anyone! It might be up for testing only.
Not one, not two, but three new Stuart Carlson stripes for you this evening. Looks like they are posted in chunks on the site I’m getting them from:
Update 17:07:47 CET: Yay! It’s snowing outside! I like snow! Stine took off with my digital camera when she went to Estonia, so I can’t post a picture for those of you who has never ever seen snow. Imagine white stuff falling from the sky, and you’re almost there.
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