How May I Help You?

This was a fairly uneventful weekend, but still I liked it. On Friday I picked up my copy of the Special Extended DVD Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. from the post office I’ve been watching the two bonus disks this weekend, probably not the most productive way to spend six hours, but it’s very fascinating. I find Massive extremely interesting, a very impressive piece of software that was developed by one guy, Stephen Regelous. Probably a smart chap.

On Saturday I finally got my ass to some clothes stores to pick up a pair of pants and a shirt. Problem is that I really don’t like buying clothes, it’s just boring, at least when I’m not shopping with someone. Because of this, I’ve been walking out of the stores with the best clothes when I’ve been shopping with people who think clothes are great fun. Shopping alone this time, I’m not really sure what I got; I used some time on finding a fairly good pair of pants, I think, but when it was time to find a shirt, I just grabbed something I thought would fit, paid for it and left the store.

Wanted: Shopaholic with a good sense of budget fashion. Shopping will take place in Oslo, Norway. Travel and accommodations will not be covered, no salary. But you’ll get your fix for free.

I also spent a few hours with one of Hans Olav’s flat mates Saturday afternoon. She’s…I’m not sure how to describe her…Great?

On Saturday night I was supposed to go to a party with Katrine, but I suddenly remembered that I have the fucking support phone this week, which means that I probably shouldn’t be too far away from my laptop and an internet connection. And I’m not sure how professional it would be if I had to answer the phone after six beers.

Instead I spent Saturday night polishing my nerd-skills and added two new features to the site. The most interesting one is probably the comment statistics. You’ll find a link to it by the comment form in every new entry and just below the Recent Comments section in the sidebar. .beldin; you’re seriously lacking behind on those comments!

The other feature is new thing in the sidebar called Almost On This Day. It was supposed to pick entries written on this day in the past. The challenge is that after I moved the site from Norway to Australia the time on the server has naturally changed and the timestamps in the base is just a mess. Because of this, it won’t always pick entries written on this day, but rather Almost on this day, hence the name, Still, I guess some interesting reads can show up. Or not.

It’s becoming more and more apparent to me that I have to rewrite the CMS I use from scratch. The code is messy and it’s getting messier with every new piece I add.

No running this weekend because I need some new walking shoes. The ones I’ve got is totally messed up and not good for my feet, and I don’t want to put any more strain on them than necessary. I’ll probably pop out of the office for half an hour tomorrow to buy a new pair of shoes from the shoe shop next door. That’s the great thing about having a downtown office. Everything is just next door.

Today I worked.

This turned out to be one of those long posts that no one really reads, but I just felt it wasn’t right to leave anything untold. And once again I’m asking myself the same question: Why the hell am I writing this in the first place? Anyone?


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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