Here Comes the Sun

I have a major problem these days. It’s way too much sun outside. It’s not that I dislike the sun, no, the sun is certainly a great thing. My biology teacher once taught me that, without the sun, nothing could live. And my physics teacher said that in a couple of billion years, it’ll turn into a big, red giant, that’ll probably tear the Earth to a million pieces, right after everything on the planet is well done. So I guess it’s a good thing that it’s up there like it is right now.

At twenty two fifty three Central European Time.

That’s what bothers me. My internal clock tells me that it’s about time to go to bed, as I’m getting up early tomorrow to go to work. The clock on my computer, my alarm clock, the one on my cellular and the radio also tells me that I should consider brushing my teeth and go to bed. But the damn sun tells me something else. It’s still enough light to talk a walk in the park. The sun outside my window could certainly need an off-switch.


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