Having your hand where it’s not supposed to be
Lately my bike has begun to make some incredibly loud squeaking noises. I’ve been able to trace the source of the sound to the steering. Every time I try to change the direction my bike goes, it sounds like I’m forcing me hand down the throat of a cat and pulling out whatever is normally found inside a cat. And I’m a little worried the whole thing will just break off. My steering thingy, that is - not the cat. If you see someone one yellow bike that makes a terrible noise, it’s probably me.
I never had my hands inside a cat. Did I have to tell you that?
I just realized one of the disadvantages of having this personal site. On the site I write all kinds of things I do and stuff that happens during the day. When I talk to people who I, at least so far, doesn’t have much else to talk about other than my day, and they already know all the stuff I did from my site, I don’t feel I have that much to say to them. And I probably come out all boring and repetitive. Oh, well… I’ll do my best to seem interesting. “I’ve got tons of money”. That should do it.
Today I also applied for another job. Someone in Oslo was looking for a system administrator, and it sounded like a nice job with decent salary. It’s in the aviation business, and planes are cool as long as they don’t fall down.
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