Going to Africa
My job at NRK is hanging by a very, very thin thread at the moment, and on Wednesday I know if I can come back to the office after New Year’s or not. It’s not an ideal situation, and if I get more work to do, it’s probably no more than an extra month, two tops. Or at least that what’s my gut-feeling tells me. Of course I’m hoping for more work at NRK, but living like this, getting my contract extended for a month at the time is not something I want to get used to. But maybe I don’t have a choice. I’ll probably know more on Wednesday. Maybe freelance work is my thing after all.
My humble request for screen shots paid off. Ian sent me a shot of the default theme in Internet Explorer for Mac and it looked just as I feared: Like shite. But there are other and far better browsers available for Mac users, among them the brilliant Safari browser. I’ve not been able to get anyone to send me shots from that browser, but I accidently stumbled across an online service that shows you what a site looks like in Safari. Thanks to Dan Vine and his brilliant creation iCapture I was able to confirm that all the themes currently available look exactly like intended in Safari. We all love Web Standards! And we hate dislike the companies that don’t follow them.
I also found a similar service for Konqueror (site down at the moment, try the Google cache if you just can’t wait until it’s back online). It showed some irregularities, but not as bad as Internet Explorer. I’ve got all the screen shots on my hard drive, but I’m not sure how interested you’re in seeing them, I guess just learning that a service like iCapture was more than enough excitement for you on a Saturday night.
I’ve started to promote the brilliant lounge-lover vibes of the German radio station radio42 in the About section. The link is quite small and well hidden, but it’s there. They’ve got the groove and so should you. Have a listen!
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
whey! i’ve been mentioned in an entry… wicked. :)
that icapture thing is a lot like this other thing i came across once while farting about at jeffrey zeldman’s, called browsercam. one out of ten for creativity, but the service offered seems quite handy.
Browser Cam is nice, indeed, but it costs $$$. Never tried the free trial, though.