
No one raised any eyebrows over the previous entry, but I guess that’s because when you see a tall, bald man in a suit staring down at you from the second floor of the hotel lobby, you don’t raise eyebrows nor do you ask questions. You run. You run as fast as you can.

Too bad Hallvard and Terje are both away this week - probably enjoying some time off with their better halfs - they both would’ve gotten the “joke”.

Anyway, after three visits to work today - I’m writing this during my third - it’s about time for me to take a couple of days off. It’s Easter, you know, and even though I’m not a Christian I like the holidays that come with living in a country where Christianity is the official religion. Tonight I’m going home to visit my parents, given that I don’t have to stay here that much longer, and tomorrow The Girlfriend is picking me up and so we can spend a day or two in her home town.

So, if you don’t see anything happening here over the next couple of days, fear not.

I’ve totally given up on the “aircraft on conveyer belt"-problem, by the way, and I’m now looking for a really cheap jet on eBay like Anders suggested. Seeing is believing.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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