Get Rid of Free Newspapers!

I should probably have written this entry in Norwegian because it’s only relevant for people living in Norway, but there are quite a lot of people who live in Norway who don’t speak a single word Norwegian - I know a few - and it’s very relevant for them.


I’m not sure how it is in other countries, but in Norway it’s possible to avoid getting your mailbox stuffed with advertising, leaflets and whatnot simply by attaching a sticker to your mailbox or front door saying that you don’t want it. The sticker doesn’t even have to be a pre-made one, you can just create your own. And from the 1st of June this year, it was possible do the same to avoid getting free newspapers as well. When I came home from work today, I’d received one district newspaper, one city newspaper and one that was strictly not a newspaper, but an advertisement newspaper from a real estate broker.

I don’t read any of them. If I’m interested in district or city news, there are great sites on the internet that give me just that and when I eventually decide that I need a bigger apartment, I can collect information I need to achieve on the fantastic interweb, too. So today I’m taking action, I’m attaching a sticker to both my mailbox and front door.

If you don’t read any of the free newspapers you get in your mail either, you should do the same. Below are two versions of such a sticker, one that I grabbed from the site Grønn Hverdag and a version I made without the Grønn Hverdag URL in case you for some reason don’t want to advertise for the site. For kicks, I’ve also included the same two versions of a sticker that should stop the flow of advertising you really don’t need if you haven’t done that already. Right click the images you want to save and select “Save image…” or whatever your favorite browser might call saving an image to your computer. Then print, attach with scotch tape and live happily ever after.

Gratisaviser - Nei, takk. Gratisaviser - Nei, takk. (uten URL) Reklame - Nei, takk. Reklame - Nei, takk. (uten URL)


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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