Friday Again
Here are some random fragments from my weekend:
Yes, it’s Friday again. Yesterday I traveled with Kjetil to Stockholm to see The Police. The concert was great, so was our hotel, which was located just 50 meters from the entrance to the venue.
I’ve also been running as planned, my average heart rate is still decreasing together with the time I use on the route. I plan to run the same route for another week and then extend it with a kilometer or so.
On Tuesday I got my new internet connection hooked up. At least there was a guy in the apartment who checked that the connection with the network central worked and I got the modem by mail. I’ve not had the time to check the actual connection yet, but I assume that it’s working. By now life should have taught me that I shouldn’t assume a damn thing, but I’m a slow learner.
The new internet connection presents me with a network problem. The old connection came through the cable TV outlet in the living room. Very convenient because it’s close to my Xbox and VBOX. The new connection, however, comes through the phone outlet in the hallway. So now I need a way to get a wireless connection from the hallway to the living room. Initially I thought a wireless access point in the living room would do the trick, but it seems like most of them come without Ethernet ports or just one if you’re lucky, and I need at least two. Maybe it will solve itself if I introduce a switch.
The home network is this weekends challenge. Along with getting a decent haircut.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
If you are looking for a great wireless router with ethernet ports buy a Linksys WRT54GL and upgrade the firmware to DD-WRT v23 SP2. Then you get a great powerful router (that you can overclock and up the transmit power as needed)
As a matter of fact I got that exact router just before I saw your comment. Do you know how well it’ll work with a WAP54G with the DD-WRT firmware?