
Ah, it’s 2011. A new year, filled to the brim with unexplored opportunities and adventures. And of course at least one hundred marwonderfullish1 entries on this very site. It hasn’t started too well, though; today is January 19 20 and this will be the second third entry I write this year.

I’ve got a lot of great excuses to why I’ve been so lazy, however. Or at least one: Work. I spent the first week of 2011 in Helsinki, Finland. At first it was freezing cold, the it got a bit warmer and rather wet.

In Finland me and forty of my esteemed colleagues learned how to behave like proper Senior Consultants. We’re role models now, apparently. Our version of the typical Senior Consultant is not exactly like the Wikipedia version. The sales bit is toned down a little and that suits me very well - I probably couldn’t sell bottled water in Sahara.

Among the things we did was to play with LEGO for two days, an activity that magically turned some of us into ScrumMasters. Then we learned the ins and outs of how the company’s sales department operate, and even though I’m not sales material, it was, hands down, the week’s best session. Towards the end of the week we went through a tech case focusing on test and legacy code refactoring, topics that are very interesting for any consultant touching code, senior or not.

And did I mention the lightning talks and the two evenings with Open Spaces? Well, I did now. And there you have it: Quite a few reasons why being a BEKK employee is a good thing.

Do you hear that, Terje?

  1. I made up this word. ↩︎


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