Find Free Photos Firefox Extension v1.4 Released
Good news, everyone! The kids stayed in bed a little longer than usual this morning, which gave me the time to give the Find Free Photos Firefox Extension a minor overhaul.
Back in 2018, I published a post describing how you can find free, high quality photos online. I also released a Firefox extension so you can search several free stock photo services directly from the browser’s address bar. With a meager 30 daily active users among the entire Firefox user base, the extension hasn’t been a raging success. But I use it weekly myself, so at least it’s saved me a lot of time, which was pretty much the whole point of the extension.
Today I released a new version of the Find Free Photos Firefox Extension. There are no major changes or new features, I just revised the list of services the extension will search.
Since Kaboompics and CC Search were consistently returning no or very low quality search results, I removed both services. To make up for the loss, I added and Burst instead, which returned much better results based on my (very limited) testing.
If the removal of Kaboompics and CC Search grinds your gears, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Alternatively, you can fork the code, and create your own version of the extension. All hail the power of open source!
And now all that is left is to wish you happy free photo searching!
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