Since the site is packed with 25 years worth of content, I’ve tried to make this curated collection of posts that might be most interesting for the average visitor.
- Archive: Take a trip to the past. I dare you to read through everything.
- Gaming Rig: My gaming rig was 10 years old, and I was in dire need of a replacement. So I wrote a series of posts about how to build the ultimate gaming rig.
- Operating system: Windows or Linux?
- CPU: Intel or AMD?
- Graphics card: Nvidia or AMD?
- Form factor: Laptop or desktop?
- Tinkering factor: Parts or pre-built?
- Sustainability: New or second-hand?
- Conclusion: So what’s the ultimate gaming rig setup, then!?
- Bonus: The Ultimate Gaming Rig is Cancelled!
- Bonus: Building The Ultimate Gaming Rig
- How To. This is a collection of “How To"-entries I’ve written over the years.
- Password Managers: One of the ways you can keep your online accounts safe from hacking is to use a password manager. I wrote a series of posts about password managers in general, and KeePassXC in particular.
- PRISM Break. Learn what it takes to achieve at least a little privacy on the internet post Edward Snowden.
- Reviews. Like every proper nerd I play computer games, read books, and watch movies. And off course I bestow upon the world my opinions about everything. This is a collection of reviews I’ve written over the years.
- Tips & Tricks for Power-users. A collection of various helpful gems that can make your Ubuntu, MVN, Java, Git, MySQL, OpenWrt and so on-life even more pleasant.
- The Ultimate Keyboard: Are you looking for a new keyboard? Then this is the article series you need to read.