For some reason escorts have always fascinated me. No, not that type of escorts.
I’m talking about police motorcycle escorts, working their way through dense traffic and crowded intersections to get their payload to its destination as quickly and smoothly as possible. Here’s a video of the Dutch police, with footage from the helmet camera of esteemed officer Marechaussee, showing you how it’s done. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find the original video, but this was the least annotation polluted version I was able to dig up.
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With great power comes great responsibility.
I looked like the officer really enjoyed hating the traffic so the payload could float freely through the traffic!
"It looked like the officer really enjoyed halting the traffic so the payload could float freely through the traffic!" - midnight commenting FTW
Too bad you can’t edit comments, eh? Anyway, as long as he only uses the great Power of the Whistle and the Waving Hand for good, we’re all fine. But suddenly he can find himself in a meeting, demanding all kinds of reporting ASAP. You know how it is.
Hehe, have you been to such a meeting lately?
No, I’ve not had that honor.