I need my daily dose of reading. I’m not talking about fine literature, rather other people’s seamless ramblings and personal outbursts. I need my daily blog fix.
Unfortunately, my current suppliers have somewhat irregular posting frequencies at best. Klas is so busy he hasn’t updated since the beginning of April, Kristoffer and Ole drop by to update us every month or so, while beldin.net has moved all the way back to basic and I’m sure when he’ll return with any content. Some other daily reads I’m just growing tired of.
So where to find some quality incoherent ramblings? There are a lot of blog search engines out there that rate their most popular content. The bad thing about these lists is usually that they are usually based on the number of links to and from the site, and not the actual quality of its content. So I turned to the 9rules Network. They describe themselves as “a community of the best weblogs in the world on a variety of topics”, just what I was looking for. The network members are picked during 24-hour submission rounds where the network gets hundreds of applicants. Only a few lucky are allowed to actually join; something that should probably mean that the ones who do maintain some quality blogs.
I’ve started to flip through their Personal Community for new blogs to read, and so far I’ve found four that look like they are worth a daily visit:
- Broken Code by Khaled Abou Alfa. Born on the 23rd of August 1979 in Lebanon, raised in Greece and have been living for nearly a decade in the UK.
- Lunar Adventures by Andrew Kaufmann, a freelance guy executing a variety of tasks vaguely categorized under “communications.”
- No Dependencies /No Logo by Napfisk, a (now jobless) thirtyish editor.
- Sporadic Nonsense by Shawn Grime, an aspiring graphic artist/web designer, living in Springfield Missouri.
Have a look at these sites, maybe you’ll get a new daily fix, too.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Is this a good time to advertise my personal blog of zero entertainment value..? You supply my reading fix, btw.. Vegard.net never lets me down. :D
I used to be a regular to your site, but because of the lack of updates I kinda stopped visiting. Now it looks like you’re back updating. Good thing!
And thanks for the kind words.
More kind words, for you: One of the things I most admire about your blogging, is that you have kept it for so long. Not only have you supplied us with regular post - but they are always well written, and with content to please either the voyeur or the nerd (sometimes both) :) Keep it up!
(My posting can be at best be described like a tornado - absent for months on end, but fierce when active)
Thank you. But compared to you, I’ve got the vocabulary and grammar skills of an average fourth grader.
Hey, thanks for the mention. I’ve only just discovered your blog (forget how exactly) but I like it.
Btw, that BBC interview killed me.
My blog is offline due to some stupid bug in my RubyOnRails code.. after some time trying to fix it I’m now seriously thinking about going back to php. I might not be much of a php coder, but atleast I can get something to work! :)