Do you know this guy?
Scanning through a few newspapers before I was leaving the office, I came across a story about a guy dubbed Mr. X (story written in Norwegian). The guy was found on a bench in downtown Oslo in the middle of May, and claims he doesn’t remember who he is. Doctors and psychologist believe he is telling the truth. He speaks Japanese and a little English. And he probably knows some girl named Jenny, he had a picture of a girl in his backpack and the text “Jenny Paris 08 2002” was written on the back. Or maybe he slaughtered Jenny in Paris after having taken her picture.
So, is he faking it? He’s currently living the good life on a hotel in Oslo. On my tax money. And why am I mentioning this? To get my 15 minutes of fame, of course. If someone recognizes the guy from the pictures in this entry and the mystery is solved, they’re bound to mention my site at some point. Think of all the visitors! I can’t wait!
I’m going to JavaZone tomorrow and Friday, so I’ll probably not come to the office. Unless something goes terribly wrong with the WAP server.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Really good picture! :)
Yeah, aren’t they. I might have asked them to take a new set if I was the guy, but hey…
Yarrr! Ye be needin’ t’make a post about International Talk Like A Pirate Day! It be fallin’ each year on this great, grand date o’September 19th, an’ I be unable t’think o’any better way t’pass four an’ twenty hours!
hiho an
uh… I mean’t to say; hiho an’ a bottle o’ Rum.. an’ would’ve if it weren’t for me blastes Tungsten T…. arrrr .. Time to walk da plank matey..
hehe, nice ;)
you da man! ;-)
Yes, I am, ain’t I?