Do the Sasha
This weekend has been somewhat interesting, in spite of the fact that it has been interrupted by the odd outbreak of work.
For instance. I’ve once again started a Get-in-Better-Shape-project. From now on I’ll either jog or ride my bike every day. So far, it’s been going well, on Friday I jogged, on Saturday I went with Hans Olav to Tryvannstårnet on my shine new bike, and tonight I jogged with Karine. I have to admit I’ve made some bad choices when it comes to exercise partners. Hans Olav is the Norweigian equivalent of Lance Armstrong, going up the hills almost as fast as I go down the same hills, while Karine obviously has been jogging since the age of three or something like that.
After the bicycle trip yesterday me and Hans Olav prepared a late dinner of chicken au gratin, fried tomatoes and rice. Excellent! Then we had some beers with one of the girls he lives with - he shares an apartment with no less than four females of the opposite sex - and a friend of hers. In a way it’s nice to be single, because it allows to me chat with every girl I want to chat with, without having to explain anything if it looks like I’m flirting.
Then we went to Oslo’s meat market numero uno, Onkel Donald. One word: Wow! So, I’ve had three beers, but still. At Onkel Donald’s something rather unexpected happened: Since I had to work today, I told Hand Olav that I had to leave. So he simply grabs some totally unknown woman, and says something like this: “Hi, can I have a few words with you? This is my pal, Vegard, and he is going home now so that he can get up early tomorrow and go to work. What about a slow dance with my friend before he leaves?”. Long story short; I had three rather nice dances. Poor girl. It was a neat trick and one recommend that you try yourself.
I also had some success with my involuntary Edward Norton impersonation. If everything else goes to hell, I could always do like Sasha Gabor.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
That’s something I haven’t thought of before, but which is rather obvious when I first did: You do look like Edward Norton. Do you impersonate him by doing something else other than just looking like him? E.g., do you do lines from different movies and such?
Anyway, mister Norton is probably my favourite actor, so you shouldn’t be ashamed looking like him. He’s better than Sasha Gabor, at least (the understatement of all times).
Btw, where’s today’s Cali girl?
I’m not doing anything in particular, I’m just walking around. And I’m not ashamed to look like him, after all, the guy did score with Salma Hayek.
The people over at Cali es Cali are having some bad weeks at the moment, so I’ll probably do a Firday Cali instead of the daily show.
I was confused by the phrase "four females of the opposite sex". Nay, I remain confused. I know what you mean, but I’m worried that it’s not what you said…
I can see why you are confused. They are not she-males.