Digital Photography 101
I went for a walk in Frognerparken today. With me I had a bag with my camera and an extra lens and the tripod. I went outside partly because I felt like taking some pictures, and partly to get you-know-what off my mind for a while. I’m not sure why I went to Frognerparken, I think I’ve captured every single detail there on digital film by now and taking pictures there is just plain boring. But that was where I ended up anyway. In the park I sat down to take my camera out of the bag. The first thing that struck me when I grabbed it was that it felt a little lighter than usual. Could it be..? Yeah, the battery was still at home in the charger. First rule of digital photography: Bring the battery with you.
Espen and I did some estimates at work today. We’ve got a few clients lined up that will require us to do a lot of integration work and customizations to the system, and they’ve set some rather impossible deadlines. It could be that we’ll be able to make it if we work twelve hours every day plus weekends. So if you don’t hear anything from me for a while, you know what I’m up to.
Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.
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