Danish party-chicks bowling for free in Columbine

Today I almost got my hands on the rest of the parts I need to build my Mini-ITX box. The parts arrived the main post office here in Trondheim at around ten this morning, but they didn’t manage to get it to my local post office until four in the afternoon. Unfortunately, there is a one hour lag in their online tracking system, so I was not notified until 17:15, and by that time, the post office had been closed for 15 minutes. I’ll get the parts tomorrow, then.

But I’m not sure how much time I’ll get to play around with the box tomorrow. A friend of mine from my happy student days in Grimstad, Terje, phoned a while ago and reminded me that he is in Trondheim for the weekend, so I’ll probably hook up with him tomorrow. I also have to get downtown to try to get some free tickets to Bowling for Columbine, which has its opening night here in Norway on the 31st of January. Luckily, Hallvard informed about an opportunity to get free tickets for a sneak preview on the 19th, so I’ll have to check if I can get my hands on a couple of tickets.

Hallvard also sent me a link he’d found on a board he is frequently visiting, Hellfragger (Norwegian). Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Extremely Hot Danish Chicks Who Have Been Drinking and who are Now Doing All Kinds of Interesting Stuff. Enjoy. Be warned, the page is a somewhat bandwidth consuming and not very modem-friendly, unless you have some time and money to kill.

For those of you who are not patient enough to load all the pictures and for the hot chicks out there who are looking for an original outfit for coming parties, I give you the absolute highlight here:

Extremely Hot Danish Chicks Who Have Been Drinking and who are Now Doing All Kinds of Interesting Stuff

Yes, please.


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