Damn, it’s hot in here!
So, I arrived in Trondheim yesterday, by bus, bus, plain and bus. Yesterday evening and night we all celebrated Erik’s last days as a bachelor with the usual drinking and stripping - not by us, and thank god for that, but by the lovely girls at Dreams Go Go Bar, the one and only strip club here in Trondheim. I really don’t think it’ll be my new favorite place to hang. $15 to get in and $6 for a 0.4 litre of beer. Not my kind of budget. Good look grrls, though. But that wasn’t too surprising, was it? Ever seen an ugly stripper? Nah…
I’ve got my next exam on the 31st of July, and that’s not good and might have to return to Trondheim again a little earlier than I had plan. Not that it bothers me that much really, I like it here.
I gotta go find the rest of the gang now, they are supposed to be around here, somewhere at the univeristy campus.
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