Constitutional Breakfast

Tomorrow is May 17, the Norwegian Constitution Day. It’s a national holiday and people use their day off for a lot of different things, but the majority of us tend to spend the day with as many people as possible.

And, boy, do we know how to celebrate. I’m not sure how many actually remember (or even know) why we celebrate, but we sure know how. Back in the days when I was a kid I was a boy scout, which meant getting up at six in the morning to raise the flag. Then it was back home to change into my nicest clothes for the children’s parade, followed by festive activities at the local primary school. Potato spoon runs are the shit when you’re 7 years old!

If you have kids it’s basically the same procedure, but you’re just watching the thing unfold. For those of us who don’t have kids (yet) May 17 is all about walking around in drunken haze all day. Hello, Champagne Breakfast1! We’re heading over to one of Anniken’s friends tomorrow for the annual Champagne Breakfast, bringing The World’s Best Meat BallsTM and turkey sandwiches to the show and hopefully no one will end up with serious food poisoning.

Anniken has promised that I can have 17 hot dogs, 17 sodas and 17 ice creams tomorrow. Yay!

  1. We’re not much of Champagne drinkers, so we’ve decided to replace the Champagne with Cava instead, hence the header image. ↩︎


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