Whoop! I did some minor changes to the site today. First of all I added a little feature that enables you to tell me how much I suck. Just click on the comments link thingy below each post to add a comment to the post. Secondly, I added links to some cool sites I enjoy, click on the links to the right to visit them.
I also made a banner for this site, in case you want to link to my site (yeah, right)… Would have been kewl. Please use the upper most banner to the right - or you could make your own custom banner and send it to me. Most of you guys are probably much better designers than me.
Update: The banner for this site is now the upper left of the banners. In case you didn’t understand..
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Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.