Comment-SPAM Motherfucker
I’ve been bombed with comment-SPAM from some low-life wanting you all to visit a poke site. Fuck off, asshole. Go play on the highway or drink some lighter fluid. Or maybe even both. That’s my view on SPAM whores in general, really. If it happens again, I’ll have to turn off comments until some sort of login scheme is in place, or I’ve been able to come up with a good way to stop the spamming. I’ve got a few ideas, but coding will take some time and I haven’t got much energy for spare time coding projects these days. At least not tonight, we’re having a party and I plan to have a good time, and not to worry about asswipes having nothing better to do than to SPAM me.
Go away, Razordude. We don’t take kindly to your kind around here.
In other news, my non-dating project turned into dating on Wednesday, somewhat out of the blue, but I don’t mind at all. TC is a great girl, full of life (she’ll probably shock some of my friends a little, she’s got a real attitude at times, but I like it - we’ll she how she does tonight), she’s beautiful and I basically enjoy spending time with her. I have no idea where things go from here, but I’ll grab on to the railing and we’ll see where this ride takes me. As always, I’ll keep you posted.
Now: Beer.
UPDATE 04:26 CET: Due to more comment-SPAM, the comment feature has been disabled until further notice.
UPDATE 20:30 CET Sunday: Comments are back online, I have no idea if what I’ve done will remove the SPAM problem.
UPDATE 09:20 CET Monday: Got some feedback saying that my Anti-SPAM methods work a tad too well; people are not able to comment at all. I wasn’t able to test anything yesterday because of some troubles reaching the DB from phpMyAdmin, I’ll try to sort things out later today. Kudos to Ian.
UPDATE 22:12 CET Monday: The comments are once again back online, and this time you can actually comment, too. Let’s see how long it takes for our SPAM-friend to return.
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