So, what did I think of Sin City? I don’t know, but I didn’t get ecstatic at any point during the movie. Maybe a little bit because of Jessica Alba, but that really doesn’t have anything to do with the movie. It took some time to get used to the black/white/brownish/red/yellow style of the movie, but when I used to it, the style worked well - and as far as I know, it’s true to the books, which is a good thing. The cast is pretty impressive and I’m not sure if you can fail with a cast like this: Bruce Willis does what he does best; plays the tough guy, Benicio Del Toro plays the bad guy, but because of the “clean” visuals used in the movie, his rough face is hidden, and that’s a shame. Very few people are able to play the bad guy as Del Toro. It’s also a shame that poor Michael Madsen only gets about three minutes of time on the big screen. Elijah Wood does an excellent job as a martial art trained Harry Potter on speed while Jessica Alba is just plain sexy. And very much so. Let’s not forget Mickey Rourke or Devon Aoki as Miho either. A funny detail is how Rodriguez use Alexis Bledel, the girl from Gilmore Girls. From mum’s good girl to whore in a split second. In the movie she also talks to mom a lot. I don’t think it’s coincidence that she was casted for the role.
In short; Sin City was cool, but you probably won’t find me at the movie theatre to see it again or a copy in my DVD collection.
I went yesterday night at around eight and returned home a few minutes after ten this morning. It’s an interesting story, but I’m not sure if it’s a story that suitable for the masses. If I had been writing anonymously I would’ve probably spilled all the beans, but since I’m not, I think I have to keep the censorship hat on. But one thing I witnessed last night was the release of the last Harry Potter book. Total madness. I was in one of the stores because I was out with a Harry Potter fan, but I didn’t buy the book.
Now I’m heading downtown to meet Ola. I’m drinking water tonight.
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Man fuck you.
Oh, I love how your comment is so constructive.