Candy Test Part II
This is the second part of the Candy Test series. Be sure to have a look at part one as well. Part one I did myself, for the second part I was joined by Life Mary - self proclaimed candy expert. The photos taken during the second test really suck bad, but I’m sure you can live with them.
Strawberry Foam

Presentation: 2
Taste: 1
Consistency: 1
Duration: 5
Overall: 2
The strawberry foam looks a bit boring, it doesn’t yell “eat me, eat me!” to any of us. The ones we’d got our hands on had probably been in storage a little longer than they were supposed to and had turned both very sticky and very hard. Also, the taste was more or less gone. Life Mary wasn’t able to finish hers so I ate that one as well.
Salty Ethnic Licorice

Presentation: 4
Taste: 5
Consistency: 5
Duration: 6
Overall: 5
This is probably one of the least politically correct pieces of candy I’ve ever eaten. The licorice series feature caricatures of various ethnic groups, like Chinese and Africans. But let’s focus on the candy part. The salty licorice is very hard and very sticky and it will immediately attach itself to your teeth in the most surprising ways. According to Life Mary we quickly got snus-teeth, making this a bad choice as dating candy - unless you are two dentists who enjoy digging sticky stuff out of each other’s teeth. The candy lasts forever, so if you’re a bit short on cash but want something that’ll last the entire evening, Ethnic Licorice is the way to go.
Chocolate with Caramel

Presentation: 4
Taste: 2
Consistency: 4
Duration: 1
Overall: 2
The chocolate looks a bit exclusive if you dust away all the goo from the other candy pieces that had attached itself to it in the bag. The chocolate tastes like really cheap milk chocolate, while the caramel tastes like, well, caramel, but doesn’t even remotely look like it. It looks more like an enormous bugger. Life Mary thought that the most positive with this piece of candy is that it’s layered: It’s hard on the outside, but soft on the inside. Just the way she likes her men, too.
Blueberry Hard Candy

Presentation: 3
Taste: 5
Consistency: 5
Duration: 6
Overall 5
For Life Mary, this was a winner even before she tasted it. She likes these blueberries so much she used to bike long detours to buy them. Not when she was 6 years old, but rather close to 22 years old. This is also a layered candy, the first layer being some semi-sour powder - the next layer being the candy itself. If you just suck on it, the candy will last forever, but if you decide to give yourself and your teeth a real challenge, you can chew through it. Chewing it make it mysteriously vaporize.
Caramel Fudge

Presentation: 2
Taste: 2
Consistency: 4
Duration: 4
Overall: 3
The Caramel Fudge was a bit of a surprise because we though it would be hard, but instead it turned out to be very soft. It had a unpleasant aftertaste of butter and Life Mary only had a Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie bite before she decided she’d had enough. I ate two and realized that two is way too much and that we needed a break from the Candy Test - this is excellent candy if you’re on a diet and need to get rid of the sugar crave, though.
Chalk (or something)

Presentation: 3
Taste: 5
Consistency: 5
Duration: 2
Overall: 5
To be honest, I don’t know what you call this candy in English, but if you look at the picture you’ll recognize it when you’re looking for it in your local candy pusher’s store. Because this is a piece of candy you should try if you haven’t already. It’s a classic. The taste will surprise you every time; you think you know what it tastes, but somehow it changes a little on every bite. It’s licorice and something else and it’s impossible to tell what that “something else” is. If you’re looking for chalk to use on a blackboard, however, you’ll be disappointed. I’ve tried and it doesn’t work.
Sour Cherry

Presentation: 5
Taste: 3
Consistency: 3
Duration: 5
Overall 3
Oh, this looks tempting. Cherries taste good, and so does this piece of candy. But it’s very, very sour - so sour that it might hurt a bit behind your ears. It also has a remote aftertaste of marzipan and that’s a bit weird, but very nice if you like both cherries and marzipan. It’s another piece of very sticky candy and it will last for half a lifetime. It’s so sticky that in the end you’ll give up chewing it and just swallow the piece whole.
Sour Foot

Presentation: 3
Taste 5
Consistency: 5
Duration: 3
Overall 5
This really looks like a foot, except that it’s a bit small and doesn’t taste like one. Personally, I think that it’s a good thing because a foot size piece of candy that tastes like a foot doesn’t sound like something I want to dig my teeth into. Life Mary even did a scientific test and checked that it didn’t smell like a foot by comparing the smell to one of her own feet. This miniature foot thankfully smells like cola. The taste is an excellent balance between sour and sweet and it might in time turn into a real classic.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
having a little too much time on our hands are we?
Neh, not really - it took me a good week to write this entry.