Burning the midnight oil

Yay! It’s an election in Norway today and I have first paid overtime at NRK. I’m here to look after the WAP server and the WAP election results services, and I have to be available until one in the night. But I’ll probably go home before that and keep my phone on in case something goes wrong. Who checks election results in the middle of the night anyway. Hopefully a lot of people, but probably not.

The election result services open in about 15 minutes, at 20:00 local time, and there’ll hopefully be a new visitor peak some time tonight. Whish me luck.

My good friend Camilla is not only about to become the first nude model I’ve ever known, she’s also started dating some guy who’s helping out at her school up North in Trondheim. I’ve got the impression it’s getting kind of serious, and I hope everything works out for her, she’s a great girl and she really deserves a great guy. My friendship with Camilla is, for me, another unfortunate case of the lack of the right feelings. She’s very nice, good looking and a pleasure to spend time with, but I just didn’t find the girlfriend-feeling. Maybe the feeling I’m looking for is non-existent for me. Maybe Camilla was the most perfect girlfriend I could ever have.

I’m pondering. But I’ll stop soon.

Pretty soon.

I’ve almost stopped now.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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