Burning down the block

There was a major fire here in Trondheim yesterday. Almost an entire block downtown burned down to the ground. The fire started in a deep-fryer and in a few hours a nightclub, some cafes, a few apartments and a bunch of stores were gone. Me and Hallvard know a guy who lives in an apartment right opposite the block on fire, so we had orchestra stalls and a nice view of the whole shebang. It’s normally pretty crowded downtown on Saturdays, but because major fires attract people like vultures to a corpse, it was totally packed. Looks like another fire like this one is raging in Edinburgh right now, actually.
Yesterday was also the day for my first exam this term. It went reasonably well, and that helped on my mood. Only one more to go and I’m free (for a while). Now I’m reading about Human Computer Interaction and Modeling. I’m sick and tired of reading.
A new textad also popped in, this time someone wants you to buy their anti-spam software, SpamButcher. Sounds nasty. It’s $29.95 a pop, but a free 30-day trial version is available for download. I’m not that bothered with SPAM yet, but if the creator wants to give me a copy, I could review it in the consumer section. Nudge-nudge.
My friend AReK_5bY is on the loose again, trying to break into my site through the PHP-hole in Greymatter. This time he is visiting with a new IP address. If you want to test out your new DDOS bots and scripts, then would be an excellent target. Let me know how you did.
I also have a few other things I could write about, but to keep the posts at a reasonable length, I’m saving them for later.
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