Bright Lights
Oh, I just love those twelve hour sessions at work. Especially when I’m banging my head against problem after problem and the problems are of the rather unexplainable kind. But we will solve them, no matter how much effort it takes. That’s how dedicated we are. Because we love what we’re doing. Like a cool breeze a hot summer morning.
I’d like to recommend a new band for you today, Trapt. They’re playing what I’d call “modern rock”, not sure if it’s the right genre, but does it really matter? You can listen to a lot of their material at their website. I’ll probably order their two albums, but not right now. I think I’ll head over to The Girlfriend instead.
Good to see that some of you got your Gravatars. Those of you who haven’t yet; why stay out of the exclusive group? Sign up now.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Just testing this Gravatar business… Good luck with the problemsolving, V.
Speaking of exploring new music.. Any of you tried Its top quality streaming music, based on info on what you like. Their library is mindblowing - and its free and everything! My best discovery this century! might also be worth checking out. a plugin to your media player uploads what you listen to to a personal web page and it generates listening charts.(most listened artist and song by week or since you joined) quite good. and entertaining.
bla bla bla .. testing gravatar .. bla bla bla..
ju9ll, I honestly thought your would be the first to get one, but then again no.
I’ve tried Pandora a couple of times, and I have a account, both are great services, but where I usually found the best new music is on radio wazee. Comes highly recommended.
Vegard. what do I get for being the first to post with a gravatar? I hope it involves a blank check and the fruit-of-the-month deal ;)
hehe.. I actually looking into the gravatar thing a while back, but didn’t bother to register then.. btw: There is an extension to Thunderbird called MessageFaces that uses gravatars (among other things) to show you who has sent you e-mails.. :)