Bonus July One-liners: Whisky
Here are a few bonus one-liners for July, all of them about whisky.
This summer, we went to Denmark for a week. On the way home, I bought two bottles of whisky, a Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve and a 16 year old Balvenie triple cask. With my purchase, I got a small book titled “Book of Whisky” that contained a lot of interesting information about whisky that made me realize I really don’t know squat. In the book, there was also a few whisky quotes, which inspired me to dig up a few from the depths of the internet and add them to the one-liners collection:
- “Whiskey is by far the most popular of all remedies that won’t cure a cold.” - Jerry Vale
- There’s no such thing as a large whiskey.
- “There are two rules for drinking whisky: first, never take whisky without water, and second, never take water without whisky.” - Charles Murray
- “Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whisky is barely enough.” - Mark Twain
- “One must always be ahead of life by at least one whisky.” - Humphrey Bogart
- “There are no bad whiskies, some are just better than other others.” - William Faulkner
- “Never drink whisky without water, never drink water without whisky.”
- “I never should have switched from scotch to martinis.” - Humphrey Bogart
- “As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake.” - W. C. Fields
- “I used to like whiskey. But it’s been a long time since I’ve been drunk.” - Claude Williams
- “I like whiskey. I always did, and that is why I never drink it.” - Robert E. Lee
- “Ninety percent I’ll spend on good times, women and Irish Whiskey. The other ten percent I’ll probably waste.” - Tug McGraw
- “The tools I need for my work are paper, tobacco, food, and a little whiskey.” - William Faulkner
- “Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it’s time to drink.” - Haruki Murakami
- “While I can’t walk on water, I can certainly wobble on whisky.” - Ashwin Sanghi
- “There is indeed one person who can help solve “writer’s block”. His name is Mr Johnnie Walker.” - Ashwin Sanghi
- “Whisky is liquid sunshine.” - George Bernard Shaw
- “I’d much rather be someone’s shot of whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea.” - Carrie Bradshaw
- “Those who drink whiskey with the owls at night, cannot soar with the eagles the next day.” - Brian D. Ratty
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