Big Brother will be watching you – Because I Can
I’m not that involved in politics. But I watch the news, so I get to hear a lot of political chatter. And I often shake my head. Not just when I listen to representatives from the Norwegian Party of Progress. Also when GWB is talking. Yesterday, Bush hailed passage of Homeworld Security Department legislation. There has been a lot of screaming about this legislation on various sites, like According to Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Homeland Security Act “any government entity (federal, state, or local) to request email and voicemail from your ISP or telephone provider without a warrant or probable cause.”.
If this is true, it means that, if you’re living in America or sending any unencrypted data through a server located in the US of A, your privacy is not guaranteed. Ah, well, it’s never really guaranteed, but there is a better chance of privacy when no one is looking over your shoulder. If the Homeland Security Act will affect you, you should have a look (PDF, 485 pages) at it. You can also read more about it at CNN.
I guess it’s about time to start using PGP. Not that I send much highly classified information, but this is just going too far.
Today’s ECHELON triggers are: assassinate bush bomb white house. (When you are reading this page, it has probably been store in the cache used by your browser to speed up surfing. That means that a document with the words “assassinate”, “bush”, “bomb”, “white house” in it is saved on your computer. And some government agency probably already knows about it. They are on their way! Delete the cache now! Format your hard drive! Set fire to your computer! Do it now, before it’s too late!)
No, I’ve not been smoking.
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