Beware of the axe murderer
Damn it. I’m nervous. Tonight I’m meeting with Anja for the first time, and I really hate meeting people like this for the first time. I’ve only done it once before, when I met Camilla, but then I had Hans Olav to back me up. We were going out for a couple of beers and Camilla just tagged along with us. And this time it’s only me. Fuck. At least I’m meeting her in some public place, just in case she’s a class one nut. I don’t think so, but you never know. If you don’t see any updates on this site for a while, you know what’s happened: I’m either kept as a sex slave in a dark dungeon, or I’ve been cut in to tiny bits with a big axe. The first thing is probably not that bad for a while, but I the axe thing just outright sucks.
Tomorrow I’m not coming into the office, we’re all going to some internal conference thingy.
Crap. This is not good for my nerves.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
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relax dude… you said it yourself. you’re in a public place. what can go wrong? :-)
Klas: You mean other than that some suicidal maniac decides to blow up the place?
V: We’re getting curious .. how did it go?
Info on that will follow later tonight. Right now I’m busy doing a bit of extra work because I’m not a soccer fan. Ananlyze that.
hmm, er det sånn engelsk only?? YES, he’s still alive.. so far. We’ll see shall we ;)