Ball Games, panic & closure. At least soon

And this is what happened: Once again I’ve made the long story short. A longer and more detailed version of this entry was online for a couple of hours, but the writer, editor and publisher (that’s me, me and me respectively) decided that some things are best left unsaid in public and had most of the entry removed and replaced by this paragraph. What happened on Saturday night now goes something like this:

That completes the story of Vegard and Stine. The door is locked and the key is thrown away. The music is gone, the show is over. Fade to black, end credits.

Because of the long car and bus rides, the moving, the über-cleaning of the house, and the thing with Stine, I’ve been complete stressed out this weekend, slept little and eaten even less. My head hurts, I’m dizzy, and I need both sleep and food, but I have to prepare for a job interview tomorrow. With these preparations, it’ll probably go straight to hell. But I hope for something better.

Fuck this.

I hope that you’ll see more entries about people entering my life than leaving it in the future.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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