Back to Basic?
I’m finding it increasingly hard to entertain myself. I tend to get bored very quickly in my own company. Just a few months ago, I could sit for hours and hours with my site, for instance. Or six hours straight in front of the Xbox. These days I sit down for ten minutes and it totally fails to entertain me. I have no idea why, it’s strange. Maybe I need a new hobby that doesn’t involve computers?
This week I had the two worst days of my working life to date, and even though I’m pretty sure I’ll have days those that again, I really hope I won’t. They basically sucked major ass. It felt a bit like a well-targeted kick in the nuts. But I survived, and I feel like I’ve got my head above water at the moment.
Now I’m off for a run; my MP3 player full of vocal trance from Digitally Imported. It’s usually not the type of music I like to listen to while running, but trying new things is always good. Unfortunately, I’m on 24/7 support duty this week, and I have to bring the fucking support cell with me. Hopefully no one will call when I’m at Smestad… It’s a long way home from there.
And, yeah, I know it’s Friday, but Klas is getting drunk in Finland, so he’s not here to remind me.
Have a good weekend, people.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
I there! I am currently waiting for the flight home at helsinki international airport. didn’t miss fridays Cali-chick. not at all… hehe..
I take it someone got laid and that I’ll hear some really juice stories in the not-so-distant future. Right?