Back to Asia
Yes, I’m going back to China, this time I’m staying for about two weeks - and I’m traveling alone1! It’s a fascinating place, but I’m not that exited about going mainly because of one thing - the food. As a young, urban guy, I know I should love Asian food. When someone asks if we should order take out, I should automatically reply “Asian”. Vietnamese is not too bad, though, but I’m really not into Chinese. It looks weird, it smells strange, it tastes funny, the consistence is totally impossible to define and it comes from the sea.
Plus I’m terrible at eating with sticks. So to avoid starving to death during my trip, I’m now eating pretty much every meal - at least dinner - with sticks. It takes a while, but I’m starting to get the hang of it. It’s kind of embarrassing to have to ask for a fork when I’m having dinner with people.
I’m leaving on June 19 and won’t return until July. Will of course bring the camera with me and keep you posted whenever I can.
I will hook up with a Chinese guy who speaks English but I still have to get all the way to China by myself. Too bad my Chinese is a little rusty. ↩︎
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Don’t worry dude, I’ve learned the only Chinese (well, Mandarin) word you need to survive: Pi-djo
Ni hau = hello
che che = thanks
ching bling bling = gimme all your money, white boy!