Thursday, Jul 31, 2014

00:56:23 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Every now and then, a man has to get up in the middle of the night to sterilize some stuff.

Wednesday, Jul 30, 2014

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Tuesday, Jul 29, 2014

16:37:06 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). The cat decided to chill in the hallway. We don't have a cat.

Monday, Jul 28, 2014

21:02:29 CET (Tag: gaming) (Nesodden, Norway). A wee bit of gaming before bed.

Sunday, Jul 27, 2014

04:27:27 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Here's another sunrise I can take a picture of because I have the privilege of being up very, very early in the morning...

Saturday, Jul 26, 2014

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Friday, Jul 25, 2014

21:17:58 CET (Tag: food) (Oslo, Norway). Went to Oslo and had two beers. My first beers since February. Also had a kebab. A really lousy kebab.

Thursday, Jul 24, 2014

15:21:48 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Clouds and what might be rain. Finally some relief.

Wednesday, Jul 23, 2014

12:38:38 CET (Tag: commentary) (Nesodden, Norway). Suit and tie in 30 degrees Celsius. Yes, it's too hot.

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2014

15:26:03 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). The hammock has finally found its place this season. I'm not 100% confident in my knotwork, though. Let's see how it goes.

Monday, Jul 21, 2014

15:31:27 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). The temperatures these days are too damn high! The sun had just drifted past, but still. This scale is in Celsius.

Sunday, Jul 20, 2014

21:08:23 CET (Tag: tech) (Nesodden, Norway). Bringing the old Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 GT-P6800 back to life. The navigation system in our car isn't exactly top notch, so I'm hoping to use the tablet instead.

Saturday, Jul 19, 2014

13:42:44 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). It's never Lup(ul)us!

Friday, Jul 18, 2014

14:16:44 CET (Tag: beverage) (Nesodden, Norway). The aftermath of vacating in Sweden.

Thursday, Jul 17, 2014

07:48:54 CET (Tag: beverage) (Tanum, Sweden). As responsible parents, we start the day with a beer. All right, so it's apple juice.

Wednesday, Jul 16, 2014

13:04:07 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Tanum, Sweden). Quite a lot of money in boats at this peer.

Tuesday, Jul 15, 2014

10:45:51 CET (Tag: scenery) (Tanum, Sweden). Grebbestad.

Monday, Jul 14, 2014

09:22:04 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Looks like we have some cooler weather ahead of us, can't say I disagree with that.

Sunday, Jul 13, 2014

22:20:55 CET (Tag: tech) (Nesodden, Norway). Updating OwnCloud from version 5 to version 6 on my ReadyNAS box. That's 2 hours of my life I'd love to get back somehow.

Saturday, Jul 12, 2014

18:33:33 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). Why do we enjoy our Škoda: It's the small details, like this simple divider-thingy.

Friday, Jul 11, 2014

09:49:49 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Waiting for Anniken's sister to arrive on the boat from Oslo. They are going shopping, me and Vilde will do whatever we have to do to keep us entertained.

Thursday, Jul 10, 2014

02:22:35 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). One good thing about being woken up in the middle of the night by a hungry baby girl is that you get to feel useful and that you can witness a sunrise like this.

Wednesday, Jul 9, 2014

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Tuesday, Jul 8, 2014

17:14:12 CET (Tag: beverage) (Nesodden, Norway). I had heard rumors if this Dr Pepper, but not seen it in the stores until today. The verdict? I prefer the original.

Monday, Jul 7, 2014

21:42:19 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Notodden, Norway). Visiting my parents. This is in our bedroom. Either we'll wake up tomorrow or we'll have our souls sucked out during the night.

Sunday, Jul 6, 2014

16:58:51 CET (Tag: beverage) (Nesodden, Norway). Huge disappointment. Not all budget brands can stand up to the original.

Saturday, Jul 5, 2014

17:40:16 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). I park like an idiot: Double parked on two handicap spots, and this guy isn't handicapped. Challenged, perhaps, but not handicapped. This guy drives for Herlow AS, Nesodden, Norway.

Friday, Jul 4, 2014

16:23:22 CET (Tag: commentary) (Ski, Norway). Baby stuff. Billion dollar industry, no doubt about it.

Thursday, Jul 3, 2014

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Wednesday, Jul 2, 2014

13:37:25 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). Steaming home after a trip to the capital.

Tuesday, Jul 1, 2014

20:45:00 CET (Tag: gaming) (Nesodden, Norway). Hey, look at that. A computer game. An unfamiliar sight these days. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion.

Today in...