Monday, Feb 29, 2016

15:36:47 CET (Tag: scenery) (Oslo, Norway). Traffic jam, bus stopped for 10 minutes, and now I'm three minutes late for the boat.

Sunday, Feb 28, 2016

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Saturday, Feb 27, 2016

09:45:46 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Why you so happy, bus shed?

Friday, Feb 26, 2016

11:28:47 CET (Tag: beverage) (Oslo, Norway). Friday lunch milkshake.

Thursday, Feb 25, 2016

08:26:18 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). I call this masterpiece Sunrise Through Frosted Glass.

Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016

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Tuesday, Feb 23, 2016

15:05:00 CET (Tag: commentary) (Oslo, Norway). A lot of people are taking this week off, as clearly illustrated by the number of people on the tram from work today.

Monday, Feb 22, 2016

06:24:11 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Hello, Monday. It feels a little early, but you still look beautiful.

Sunday, Feb 21, 2016

16:26:57 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). Another kid's birthday party. Someone made chocolate cake with candy. Best idea culinary idea ever?

Saturday, Feb 20, 2016

18:51:00 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). Spicy Saturday night, just-bought-wedding-rings-dinner at Der Peppern Gror.

Friday, Feb 19, 2016

15:35:37 CET (Tag: scenery) (Oslo, Norway). The horizon might look gloomy, but who cares about that. It's Friday!

Thursday, Feb 18, 2016

19:28:29 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). Still one of my favorite dishes. You'd think I left this behind when I got a steady income, but no.

Wednesday, Feb 17, 2016

19:45:06 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Spending the evening doing grown-up stuff, like taking the car through the washer. It's long overdue.

Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016

15:31:13 CET (Tag: scenery) (Oslo, Norway). Hell hasn't frozen over (yet), but the Oslo Fjord is about to.

Monday, Feb 15, 2016

12:44:23 CET (Tag: beverage) (Oslo, Norway). Red Bull's excellent Summer Edition on discounted sale. Don't mind if I do!

Sunday, Feb 14, 2016

15:18:14 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Out for a walk on an ordinary Sunday, when suddenly... abandoned building. Not quite Pripyat, but it's something.

Saturday, Feb 13, 2016

07:13:46 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Good morning to you, Oslo.

Friday, Feb 12, 2016

14:56:43 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). Mother's day and Valentines day is on the same date this year. A potential double fail, on other words.

Thursday, Feb 11, 2016

19:14:16 CET (Tag: entertainment) (Nesodden, Norway). Oh, Cartman. You're the most lovable character on TV, there's no doubt it.

Wednesday, Feb 10, 2016

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Tuesday, Feb 9, 2016

17:54:05 CET (Tag: food) (Oslo, Norway). Mmmmm... Burrito.

Monday, Feb 8, 2016

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Sunday, Feb 7, 2016

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Saturday, Feb 6, 2016

11:17:15 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). There's either some really bad weather coming that no one told us about, or this grocery store is having major delivery issues.

Friday, Feb 5, 2016

15:28:59 CET (Tag: entertainment) (Oslo, Norway). The big screen adaption of The Snowman is currently being filmed in Oslo. Here's a movie prop that's heading for the fictional Oslo Hospital.

Thursday, Feb 4, 2016

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Wednesday, Feb 3, 2016

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Tuesday, Feb 2, 2016

13:20:21 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Oslo, Norway). Firetrucks! Yes, I'm easily excited.

Monday, Feb 1, 2016

12:58:07 CET (Tag: cityscape) (Oslo, Norway). Not that easy to see from this picture, but it's snowing. Like it should, since it's winter.

Today in...