Thursday, Dec 31, 2015

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Wednesday, Dec 30, 2015

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Tuesday, Dec 29, 2015

19:44:30 CET (Tag: gaming) (Nesodden, Norway). I'm doing my best to beat 2008 in terms of number of posts I manage in a year, and here's a preview of the next to last post - even before it's published.

Monday, Dec 28, 2015

13:48:56 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). A milestone is reached: The drinking station is finally removed.

Sunday, Dec 27, 2015

12:39:03 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Notodden, Norway). Turns out there is more snow down here than up in the mountains.

Saturday, Dec 26, 2015

16:27:24 CET (Tag: scenery) (Etnedal, Norway). Mountain sunset.

Friday, Dec 25, 2015

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Thursday, Dec 24, 2015

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Wednesday, Dec 23, 2015

22:30:11 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Etnedal, Norway). After four long hours and one case of vomiting in the back seat, we've finally arrived.

Tuesday, Dec 22, 2015

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Monday, Dec 21, 2015

18:46:45 CET (Tag: entertainment) (Nesodden, Norway). That you have no change is no longer an excuse. Now these things take both VISA and MasterCard.

Sunday, Dec 20, 2015

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Saturday, Dec 19, 2015

21:57:34 CET (Tag: food) (Oslo, Norway). Salty Sheep Meat Fest, 2015 edition.

Friday, Dec 18, 2015

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Thursday, Dec 17, 2015

06:16:05 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Hey, look at that - still snow!

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015

17:10:46 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Hey, look! It's snowing. Based on the weather forecast, this is about as much snow as we'll see this holiday, so I'll enjoy it as much as I can.

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015

08:23:59 CET (Tag: personal) (Oslo, Norway). God damn pink eye.

Monday, Dec 14, 2015

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Sunday, Dec 13, 2015

14:22:52 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). What's Christmas without gingerbread men and women? Nothing, I tell you. Nothing!

Saturday, Dec 12, 2015

09:32:52 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). You know it's getting cold outside when the car decides to grow fur. Also, we could use a garage.

Friday, Dec 11, 2015

17:26:37 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). Yes, this tastes just as sad as it looks.

Thursday, Dec 10, 2015

10:35:48 CET (Tag: beverage) (Oslo, Norway). I'm a sucker for everything new and once again I was fooled.

Wednesday, Dec 9, 2015

10:39:56 CET (Tag: entertainment) (Nesodden, Norway). It has begun: A cartoon that teaches kids Chinese on an American TV channel.

Tuesday, Dec 8, 2015

17:09:38 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). Quick stop at the main office.

Monday, Dec 7, 2015

16:46:28 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Some people are taking Christmas decorations a lot more seriously than the rest of us. Was hard to get any closer, unfortunately.

Sunday, Dec 6, 2015

14:37:34 CET (Tag: commentary) (Nesodden, Norway). The most important news in the world today: Some local politician somewhere has been banned from Facebook because he is a convicted sexual offender. And somehow newspapers wonder why their circulation is decreasing.

Saturday, Dec 5, 2015

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Friday, Dec 4, 2015

07:10:14 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). December 4th. The rain is pouring down. Still hoping for a white Christmas.

Thursday, Dec 3, 2015

19:24:45 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Painting. It never stops.

Wednesday, Dec 2, 2015

17:08:10 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Waiting for some sushi to be prepared. At least the restaurant had the decency to place the fish tank somewhere the fish can't see the kitchen.

Tuesday, Dec 1, 2015

15:07:47 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Oslo, Norway). Teslas. Teslas everywhere.

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