Tuesday, Oct 31, 2017

15:53:40 CET (Tag: tech) (Nesodden, Norway). Soon this beast will control the Internet. If I can get LEDE installed and working properly on it, that is.

Monday, Oct 30, 2017

11:47:50 CET (Tag: food) (Oslo, Norway). Burgers and milk shake for lunch. I could probably get used to this. And most likely get fat as a pig.

Sunday, Oct 29, 2017

09:14:14 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Notodden, Norway). Original work. Goes to the highest bidder.

Saturday, Oct 28, 2017

14:30:48 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Notodden, Norway). Back on familiar turf.

Friday, Oct 27, 2017

17:42:37 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Playing my new favorite song.

Thursday, Oct 26, 2017

12:37:36 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Look at this teeny, tiny thing! Our ride for the day.

Wednesday, Oct 25, 2017

16:04:45 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). It's done. Come on winter, do your worst.

Tuesday, Oct 24, 2017

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Monday, Oct 23, 2017

06:18:37 CET (Tag: commentary) (Nesodden, Norway). Can you people please stop leaving your stuff in public? Your nativity attracts criminals to the country like flies to a pile of horse shit.

Sunday, Oct 22, 2017

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Saturday, Oct 21, 2017

12:33:27 CET (Tag: tech) (Nesodden, Norway). There you go. Safe and sound. Lots and lots of sound.

Friday, Oct 20, 2017

18:59:33 CET (Tag: beverage) (Nesodden, Norway). Hello. It's been a while.

Thursday, Oct 19, 2017

06:11:41 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). First morning below zero, 2017.

Wednesday, Oct 18, 2017

17:38:57 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). This place goes out of its way to make everyone feel welcome.

Tuesday, Oct 17, 2017

08:59:08 CET (Tag: tech) (Oslo, Norway). Oh, Windows 10 fall update. Gimme!

Monday, Oct 16, 2017

07:47:35 CET (Tag: food) (Oslo, Norway). I'm considering picking the chocolate toppings off this cake that's been in the office kitchen over the weekend. That's probably a bad sign of some sort.

Sunday, Oct 15, 2017

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Saturday, Oct 14, 2017

08:23:00 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Big ball of fire.

Friday, Oct 13, 2017

07:42:36 CET (Tag: cityscape) (Oslo, Norway). The Samsung Galaxy S8 camera is great, but it really doesn't do this sunrise justice.

Thursday, Oct 12, 2017

10:23:31 CET (Tag: tech) (Oslo, Norway). Thank you for your service, but my other phone is finally back from the shop. Using this tiny thing for a while made me realize that I don't need a large phone.

Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017

13:01:32 CET (Tag: beverage) (Oslo, Norway). Skipping coffee, and trying some tea for a change.

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017

06:09:24 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). The first born rearranged the letters in her name. This might explain a lot. Either that, or the fact that she's three years old.

Monday, Oct 9, 2017

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Sunday, Oct 8, 2017

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Saturday, Oct 7, 2017

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Friday, Oct 6, 2017

16:38:39 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). All vegan BBQ. These things take me by surprise once again.

Thursday, Oct 5, 2017

18:53:35 CET (Tag: exercise) (Nesodden, Norway). Second run this week, feel awful, but also great.

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017

11:14:19 CET (Tag: beverage) (Oslo, Norway). Another day, another brand new can of wake-up I've never tried before.

Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017

06:25:56 CET (Tag: cityscape) (Oslo, Norway). The camera on this spare mobile phone (my S8 is having a bad day) doesn't do the urban autumn justice.

Monday, Oct 2, 2017

18:57:38 CET (Tag: exercise) (Nesodden, Norway). After a 4 months hietaus, this is finally back on.

Sunday, Oct 1, 2017

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