All Over Again
Explanation follows:
For a while now I’ve been dating someone. Great girl, and I certainly had a lot of fun with her, but at some point you just have to decide whether or not you should just stay friends or move it to the next level. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the really good feeling you need in your stomach and yesterday I told it to her. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear. What’s really sad is that she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to just be my friend and now I’m a bit worried that I’ll never see her again. I do understand how she thinks, but still. I don’t feel like an asshole because of what I said, it’s an honest thing to say, but I still hate to hurt people.
Tonight Stine sent me an SMS asking if how I was doing. That’s excellent timing for you. Could she be reading my site since she sent the message not long after I posted the previous entry? I doubt it, really, but if she do; good for her. I’ll reply to her SMS at some point. All in good time. Probably tomorrow. Now is not a good time. And Stine, if you’re reading this: I hope you’re having a great time in Trondheim or whereever you are right now. For all I know, you might be in the building next door.
Yesterday I bought three excellent albums: Interpol: Antics, The Dandy Warhols: Welcome to the Monkey House and one of the best live albums ever recorder, Dum Dum Boys: 1001 Watt. Yeah, Tor Olav, we know you didn’t say 1001 Natt, we just made fun of you.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
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its good to be honest… cheers!