A Picture A Day 2020
Next up in the series of annual posts is a summary of my year in pictures as seen in the A Picture A Day project. Started back in 2013, the project now sports more than 2900 pictures, one for each and every day since its inception.
I take a lot of pictures of my kids, but most of you won’t see any of them here because they are hidden away in an area meant for friends and family. But if you enjoy scenery and fog, there will probably be a few shots you’ll like below.
Every year when I write this summary of A Picture A Day, I tell you to start taking at least one picture every day yourself. And this year is no different. You should begin to take a picture each day yourself. Start today it today. It’s a great way to save memories, both good and bad.
But let’s get to the point of this post. Here are some of my personal favorites from 2020.

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