A Picture A Day 2019
2019 was another good year for the A Picture A Day project. I managed to post a picture every day, and that was my one and only goal.
This year, I’ve also added a new feature to the A Picture A Day project. Every now and then I post personal stuff, like a picture of the kids. Since I started the project in 2013, I’ve become a lot more privacy conscious. Facebook, Google, and all the other technical behemoths whose business is based solely on selling your most private secrets to the highest bidder, have thought me the value of tightening the control of what I share. Posting pictures of people online without their consent is also a major no-no. I could of course the my kids’ consent, but they don’t really understand what it means yet.
Because of all this, I’ve locked down the personal photos I post so that they are only available to those of you who have been granted access. The technical details if outlined in the post A More Private A Picture A Day. It’s quite simple, though. If you want access, just click on one of the pictures with a padlock on them, enter your e-mail address, and you’ll go through a not-so-thorough manual vetting process that might end up in you getting access.
Just Start Taking Pictures!
As always when I make these A Picture A Day summaries, I want to encourage, nay urge you to start taking a picture every day as well. I’ve only been doing it for 7 years now, and the archive is full of good memories.
Here are some of the highlights from my 2019. There are no privacy invading pictures, of course, so you’ll see more sunrises, sunsets, and food than in earlier recaps.
Want to know what the previous years looked like? They are all here: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013.
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with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.