A Picture a Day 2014
It’s been another year, and I’ve shot a new photo every day. This year I’ve even cheated less than I did last year, most of what you see is actually taken on the day they are posted. Looking at the pictures from 2014, I can say for sure that I still live a pretty ordinary life. But it’s certainly been an extraordinary year, with the birth of Vilde. I’ve made an effort not to fill each and every day with a picture of her, and as far as I can tell, she’s featured about once a week on average. Not that much considering she has my attention about 80% of the time I’m awake and not at work.
During 2014 I bought a spanking new Nexus 5, which did wonders for the quality of the photos. The optical image stabilization is great, and combined with the HDR functionality of the Google Camera, I can now take pictures needing a lot less light than before. The Nexus 4 I used previously was a great phone, but the camera wasn’t impressing anyone. I also did quite a lot of research into other camera and post-processing apps for Android, research that curiously enough resulted in even less use of filters and effects. A shame, really, since the pictures with a little bit of post-processing are way more vivid than the straight-off-the-camera-shots. Perhaps next year will be the year of the filters?
Here are a few highlights from 2014, selected simply because I like them:
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