A hard weekend
So, I’m back from Skien. It was a hard weekend with a considerable amount of beer and BBQ. And lots of fun. Hopefully we’ll do the same thing next year. After we got home from downtown Skien at around 3 in the night on Saturday, we played Counter-Strike with some rather good bots. Nerd-alert. It was great fun. Played until 6 in the morning and a few hours after we woke up. Not the best aim, but fun anyway. Can’t remember the name of the bot, but they were great.
And now, for something completely different: A new feature has surfaced at vegard.net today: Consumer. I’ve got a strange need to tell people what I think about thingies, this is where I shall do it. So far there are only a CD in there, but as soon as I get my hands on other stuff, like my Dell laptop and my MP3 player, I’ll tell you all about those, too. Are you exited yet? I bet you are…
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